PHOENIX STAR 10 inch Beakers


These PHOENIX STAR beaker designs will satisfy all your basic smoking needs. This 25cm (10″) tall bong is made from borosilicate glass. The diffused down stem adds percolation to the water, giving you smooth hits every time.  For extra chilled rips, this pipe has a three-prong ice pinch, allowing you to load it up with ice.

Not what you’re after? Have a look at our full glass bongs collection.



PHOENIX STAR 10 inch Beakers will satisfy all your basic smoking needs. This 25cm (10″) tall bong is made from borosilicate glass. The diffused down stem adds percolation to the water, giving you smooth hits every time.  For extra chilled rips, this PHOENIX STAR 10 inch Beakers have a three-prong ice pinch, allowing you to load it up with ice.

  • Glass: Borosilicate Glass
  • Height: 25cm (10″)
  • Base Width: 12cm
  • Glass Thickness: 5mm
  • Down Stem: 12cm Diffused Down Stem
  • Cone: 14mm Cone Piece
  • Features a Three Prong Ice Pinch

Additional information

Weight 0.520 kg
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 25 cm

Black, Blue, Green


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